Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 24: "Twas the Week Before Christmas


So much happened this week!!

First off, we are teaching at a steady pace!! That means that our teaching pool is gaining some depth, and I am so happy for that!  It is so wonderful to help people come unto Christ, especially around this time of year!!

There's a lady in our area who is getting baptized on Dec. 30th, what a great way to both end and start the year!!
It's a great way to end the year because, as we know, baptism washes away all of the mistakes, hurt, and pain that we have accumulated.  It's also a good way to start the year, because the Gift of the Holy Ghost comforts, warns, testifies, and leads us to do good.  I know that as we walk the straight and narrow path through life, we can all have divine help from our Heavenly Father, through the Holy Ghost.

In other news, we are now on bikes half of the time!!
This is good because we can talk to everyone we see, and they can't avoid us!!  Also, we get seen by the community ;)
I have found that missionaries thrive on awkward.  I get excited when we are knocking on a door and someone comes up to that door, because they can't get past us without listening to us!! haha

Well, I hope y'all have a great Christmas, remember why it's a holiday!!!

Elder Eliason!
Tag Photo
#lighttheworld 12.12.2017

Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 23: Life of Christ Exhibit

This month we are having a Life of Christ Art Exhibit in the ABM, a peaceful place with art separated into 6 stages of the Savior's life.  We serve there in shifts, it's truly an inspired place.  It's a very good opportunity to ponder on the life of our Savior.  The spirit is really strong there!!

We had a parade here in Centerton, and our ward put a float in, based on the "Light the World" initiative.  My companions and I held the banner in front of the float, which read "Jesus Christ is the Light of the World", and on the float members of the ward were acting out service activities, such as making a dinner for someone or moving a box for someone.  We passed out about 800 Light the World calendars, and it was so much fun!

We are gaining lots of momentum in our area, Sunday we had a day full of appointments!!
It's an amazing experience being on a mission, and I love it so much!

One cool scripture I've found is Romans 10:17, y'all should read it!

I hope you all have a great rest of your week, and remember to be the Light of the World!!!

Elder Eliason
Life of Christ Exhibit Arkansas Bentonville Mission

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 22: Zone Conference

This week was good!  We had a zone conference, which was amazing!!  The main focus was on "mission culture", representing the Savior, and Doctrine and Covenants 20:37.  One thing that they touched on is language, and two words in specific: "cool" and "awesome".  That erased about 70% of my vocabulary.. :)

We helped some members build a pig shelter out of trampoline pipe, tin, and 2x4s.  It actually looks pretty good!!  That is what I expected to do all the time on my mission!!  

We did lots of tracting, and found lots of people who are open to hearing a message about Christ!!  We found a phrase this week to use that I can't wait to say to people around Easter!! It's "Since Christ is living, what message does he have for you today?"  I look forward to using that!!

I have been studying in Acts, using Jesus the Christ to more thoroughly explain some things in it, and it has been a great experience to see the doctrines found in the Book of Mormon in the Bible, and it's a very strong witness of how the Book of Mormon fills in the "plain and precious truths" that have been lost from the Bible, in such an easily understood way!!
I testify that Jesus is the Christ, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that His word is being established all over the world in the mouth of two (or in my case three) witnesses, and that we can all pray to know if it truly is His word.  All we must do is ask Him to confirm the truth that we read in its pages, and He has promised that we shall receive!  How great a promise!!

I hope all of you have a wonderful week, and remember to Light the World this week!!
Elder Eliason
My buddies at Zone Conference, Elder Call and Elder Barber!!!