Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Week 47: This is America

Happy Memorial Day!!! 🎉
This week was super fun!
Some of the highlights are as follows:

-We were in this town called Dennis Kansas, it literally has 3 streets and a post office smaller than our apartment. We were knocking on a trailer when we heard a BOOM super close. We heard 2 or 3 more, and when we left we saw, through the trees, a group of people shooting a rifle in the trees haha! (in the opposite direction mom) 

-Katy Days! The town of Parsons was started as a railroad town built around a train station, called Katy Station. It burned down a while back, but to commemorate the roots of the town they have a celebration on Memorial weekend. It was cool to walk around and see a group of people bigger than 5 at a park that we could talk to :) 

-We have this super funny investigator from Guatemala, he is in the army and makes pistol holsters, and he shares the gospel at work! It reminded me of this quote from Howard W. Hunter, "What does the Atonement have to do with missionary work? Any time we experience the blessings of the Atonement in our lives, we cannot help but have a concern for the welfare of others. … A great indicator of one’s personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others.” 

I have definitely seen my desire to share the message of the Restoration increase as I have gone through my mission. I think a reason for that is the gospel light in my life has grown as a result of deepened daily prayer and scripture study, recognizing the Lord's hand in my life, testifying of the truth, and opening my mouth. 

I have a firm conviction of the reality of the Restoration. Greater happiness, peace and light have been noticed in my life as a result of the simple question Joseph Smith posed back in 1820. I would like to encourage all of you to increase the gospel light in your lives by adhering to President Nelson's talk on revelation.

Have a great week! Stay cool 😎
Elder Eliason 


1-4. Landscapes and stuff
5. Public land hunting! (walk in only!) 
6. We are going to tour a masonic lodge one of these days👁

Monday, May 21, 2018

Week 46: "my life in 4 paragraphs" episode ? of 104

This week was purty good.
I got food poisoning!!☠️☠️ At a zone conference (missionary meeting with about 30-40 missionaries) we had lunch, and I guess something was really bad in something I ate. That was Wednesday at around noon, and about 24 hours later I started feeling really sick. This is where one of the most obvious miracles I've ever seen comes in!! I knew that we had lots going on that day, and I knew that I couldn't function in lessons feeling the way I did, so as I was laying on the floor trying to get comfortable, I said a little prayer promising that I would give 100% if the Lord would ease the pain. He eased it, and I gave it. I had one of the most spiritual, productive evenings of my mission!!! We committed a lady to baptism that I didn't have that much faith in, we were able to set up a return appointment with a lady who has been extremely prepared for the Plan of Salvation, and we were able to feel an increase of the Spirit wherever we went. Not even 3 minutes after our last appointment of the night, I was driving us home when I felt suuuuuper sick to my stomach. My companion thought I was just trying to fake it, but I pulled over and exited the vehicle while making much haste, and was able to get to the grass on the side of the road before I let loose the contents of my stomach. We made it home safely, but that was definitely not the last time I vomited that night. To be honest, it was probably the most painful sickness I've ever had.
0/10 I would not recommend.

There are a lot of people progressing towards baptism here, it's super cool to see the commitment that these people have! It is always such a good feeling to be a missionary! There are so many different ways to do missionary work, and you're always helping someone new with their individual concerns and challenges, so it's never boring.

I bought a little study journal for when I have questions or spiritual impressions. It's been awesome to see how if I remember the question I asked 5 minutes ago, I get answers!! But seriously, I would encourage all of you to get a study journal. It has helped me deepen my spiritual learning, and I have definitely received more revelation because of it.
Elder Richard G. Scott taught, “Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the likelihood of your receiving further light” (“Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86)

Sorry if I droned on, only the true homeboys look at more than the pictures tho✌

I hope y'all have a good one!
From Kansas w/ love,
Elder Eliason 

Kansas Sunset 
Early Fighter Jet
WWI Memorial in Parsons Square
The mountains here in Kansas are so rugged. I love it!      
Catholic Church
Trying to Eat Healthy

Life Goals
Pittsburgh Mascot (the gorilla)

Flat Kansas

Monday, May 14, 2018

Week 45: Parsons: Week 1 of ??? 🤔

This week was so so good!
Some of the highlights are as follows:

1. I was able to video chat with my family! I love them all so much!! It was the best. It was so good to hear from them, and see how they are doing. It's also comforting to know that not a lot has changed 😂

2. I was transferred to Parsons, Kansas. It is a small branch but we have high hopes and good faith that this transfer will be the best one yet! We are really going to focus on part-member and less active families, and getting referrals from them.

3. My new companion, Elder Franks, is such a stud! We go running every morning, and it helps me to have a refreshed mind and an invigorated body. He has been out for as long as I have, and we know some of the same people, and so we always have many laughs at the end of the night! He's a great companion. 

4. We have a small but solid group of people to teach, it has been a great experience to come here and to get right into teaching them. One of my favorite parts of being on a mission is teaching people and feeling the Spirit while doing so. It builds my testimony to see the Spirit work in my life and in the lives of those I teach. We are also always looking for people to teach, so if you know anyone in south-eastern Kansas let me know ;)

Have a blessed week!! 
Elder Eliason

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Week 44: Baby, we're headed to Kansas!

First off, I would like to express my thanks to the best momma ever!! She truly magnifies motherhood, and I love her so much!!! 

We got transfer calls this week! I requested in a letter to my mission president to go to Kansas and to serve with a particular Elder, and I'm going! This will be the fourth state that I have served in, so that's pretty cool. My companion will be Elder Franks, I served near him in Arkansas. The area that I am headed to is Parsons, KS. It's another branch, so I am looking forward to really getting to know the members there. It's been a really cool opportunity to get to know the members really well here in Poteau. As it's going to be very nice out, I really want to try riding bikes and walking to places within biking/walking range.

One of the members here is a convert of under 6 months, and he is now the branch mission leader, and he's doing a very good job. We have been finding some people to teach, and the Elders here are really going to focus on fellowship those people.

One of my least favorite part of being a missionary is packing up all of my stuff. It always seems that I can never get all of it packed, and I always find random things 5 seconds before we need to go to the transfer point! This transfer, however, is different. I thought I would work smarter and keep it simple, by having some vacuum bags and working a little bit every day. To any missionary out there I would really recommend that approach!

This is our last transfer with our mission president, President Loveland. It's been a good experience getting to know him, and I know that he has been foreordained to be the mission president in this specific mission at this specific time. I am also looking forward to working with President Strong, who will come in next transfer.

I hope that y'all have a marvelous week! Happy Mothers day!!!!!🌹💐🎉

Elder Eliason
 My favorite thing OF ALL TIME: Giving blood 🅾
Getting detained by a dep'ty sheriff of LeFlore County, OK

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Week 43: The Weekly

This week was not my favorite. 
My companion was sick from the start of the week, and midway through the week I caught what he had, and this whole week we have been in bed trying to get better so we can go visit people again.  Lots of studying!! I've found I really like the book of Hebrews!!! Sorry for a super boring weekly :'(

I hope y'all have a wonderful week 😊🌈

 Photo bomb at Zone Conference 4.24.2018
 Before I got sick :)
With a recent convert at a Young Men's bonfire!