Monday, July 24, 2017

Week 4: First Transfer Camdenton, Missouri

This week has been a blur!!
We started in the MTC, Sun-Tues went by extremely fast, Wednesday we left at 3:30 in the morning, got to NW Arkansas Regional airport approx. 3 PM, met Pres. Loveland.  We drove about 30 mins to the mission home, where we had baked potatoes (mission pres. is a potato farmer) and then had interviews with Pres. Loveland.  I was last, and was super apprehensive about who I would be paired with and where I would go, but the Lord knows me better than I know myself, and I was blessed with Elder Brown, who has 5 weeks left, and I am in Camdenton, MO, which is the northernmost area of the mission, in sort of a resort town. I love this area, it's covered with trees, and the lake stretches around and winds down old country backroads to nowhere, which I love.  My companion is amazing. Our area is big and with a lake, that means that the straight distance might be 5 miles, but it could take us 30 miles to go around.  I think we need a missionary boat.. ;)  
The first day I was in the area, we got to the apartment at around 4, and I was wiped.  It was about 4 hours of driving from the mission home, and I was eager to get settled.  However, Sis. Loveland promised that if we would go finding on transfer day, we would find someone, and we did!! Elder Brown and his companion were notified of a family in the area about a week and a half ago, but they didn't follow up on it. So when I got there, we had a strong feeling to go to their house.  We got there, and we came at exactly the right time.  This woman works 12 and 16 hour shifts, and then gets home to a disabled vet and 3 children and cooks and cleans.  This was her day off, and she was preparing a very nice meal for them.  Elder Brown played with the children, and I listened to the woman. Her family needed us there at that moment, and we were prompted to go there. I know that the Spirit guides us in our righteous endeavors, and that through the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can be strengthened to get through whatever trials we are facing.  Adhering to the gospel won't make our trials smaller, but we will be strengthened to deal with them. I've had lots of fun experiences with many nice southern people!
Anyways, I love y'all and I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Eliason

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